Documentation of the module mt
by Peter Verhas
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The module MT
3. What are session and variables
4. mt::SetSessionId "session id"
5. mt::CheckSessionId("sessionid")
6. mt::SessionCount()
7. mt::NewSessionId(["optional random string"])
8. mt::DeleteSession ["sessionid"]
9. mt::GetSessionId()
10. mt::SetSessionVariabe "variablename",value
11. mt::GetSessionVariabe("variablename")
12. mt::SetVariable "variablename",value
13. mt::GetVariable("variablename")
14. mt::LockWrite "variablename"
15. mt::LockRead "variablename"
16. mt::UnlockWrite "variablename"
17. mt::UnlockRead "variablename"
18. mt::SessionTimeout [sec]
19. mt::GetSessionTimeout ["sessionid"]
20. mt::GetSessionPingTime ["sessionid"]
21. mt::ListSessions