To reach advanced features, like using system include files from predefined directories or using dynamic modules you have to create a configuration file. This configuration file is probably different for most installation and reflects the directory structure, networking environment and other specialties of your setup.
The format of the configuration file is binary. This is to speed up configuration information reading. To create this binary format, you have to edit the text format of the configuration file usually named `scriba.conf.lsp' and have to convert it to binary format using the command line
scriba -k scriba.conf.lsp
The ScriptBasic executable using the option `-D' dumps binary configuration files into text format. Note that this dump program will not restore the comments of the original configuration file nor the line breaks or spaces (except those in strings).
The format of the text file version of the configuration information is simple. It contains the keys and the corresponding values separated by one or more spaces and new lines. Usually a key and the assigned value are written on a line. Lines starting with the character ; are comment.
The values can be integer numbers, real numbers, strings and sub-configurations. Strings can either be single line started and terminated by a single " character or multi-line strings starting and ending with three """ characters, just like in the language ScriptBasic.
Sub-configurations start with the character ( and are closed with the character ). The lists between the parentheses are keys and corresponding values.
If a sub-configuration after altering the text version of the configuration file becomes empty then the sub-configuration along with the key of the sub-configuration has to be commented out. It is not legal to have
subconfig ()
empty sub-configuration.
The keywords of the current version are:
The string defined in this key is appended to the file name when ScriptBasic is loading a module. ScriptBasic does NOT insert the dot before the extension; therefore the key value should contain it. Thus the correct configuration is
dll ".dll"
ScriptBasic does not insert a slash between the file name and the directory path, therefore the key value should contain the trailing slash.
If there are more than one values defined for this key ScriptBasic will search for the module in each directory defined in the order they are defined. The search finishes when the module is found and successfully loaded or if there are no more directories.
ScriptBasic does not insert a slash between the file name and the directory path, therefore the key value should contain the trailing slash.
If there are more than one values defined for this key ScriptBasic will search for the module in each directory defined in the order they are defined. The search finishes when the module is found and successfully loaded or if there are no more directories.
Note that this limit is compared against the number of steps, which is more than the number of lines. For example the line
a = b+3
executed by two steps: an addition and an assignment command.
If the value of this parameter is zero or if the parameter is not defined in the configuration file no limit is effective.
If the value of this parameter is zero or if the parameter is not defined in the configuration file no limit is effective.
If the value of this parameter is zero or if the parameter is not defined in the configuration file no limit is effective.
If this value is zero or is missing then there is no limit except the limits of the operating system and the hardware.
The name of the module should be specified the same way as in the ScriptBasic statement declare sub: either with full path including file extension or without path and extension. If only the name of the module is specified the module directories are searched by ScriptBasic to load the module defined by the configuration key module.
ScriptBasic ignores all lines containing a key that it does not understand. This is dangerous on one hand because it makes typing errors less recognizable. On the other hand it allows different variations share common configuration file. The external modules implemented as dynamic load library functions can also access any configuration data.
An example configuration file from a Windows NT installation:
; this is the extension of the dynamic load libraries on this system
dll ".dll"
; where the modules are to be loaded from
module "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\modules\\"
module "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\sysmodules\\"
module "c:\\ScriptBasic\\modules\\"
; where to search system and module include files
; trailing / or \\ is needed
include "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\source\\include\\"
include "c:\\ScriptBasic\\source\\include\\"
; define external preprocessors
preproc (
; extensions that preprocessors are to be applied on
extensions (
; here the key is the extension and the value is the symbolic name of the external
; preprocessor
heb "heb"
; the external preprocessors
external (
heb (
executable "D:\\MyProjects\\sb\\Release\\scriba.exe d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\source\\heber.bas"
directory "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\hebtemp\\"
; the maximal number of steps allowed for a program to run
; comment it out or set to zero to have no limit
maxstep 30000
; the maximal number of steps allowed for a program to run
; inside a function.
; comment it out or set to zero to have no limit
maxlocalstep 0
; the maximal number of recursive function call deepness
; essentially this is the "stack" size
maxlevel 300
; the maximal memory in bytes that a basic program is allowed to use
; for its variables
maxmem 1000000
; ScriptBasic loads the modules before starting the code
; in the order they are specified here
;preload "ext_trial"
; This is the directory where we store the compiled code
; to automatically avoid recompilation
cache "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\cache\\"
cgi (
; These are the keys used by the CGI module
debugfile "d:\\MyProjects\\sb\\cgidebug.txt"
; scriba.conf
; ScriptBasic sample configuration file
; Note that this configuration file format is from v2.0b0 or later and has to be compiled
; to internal binary format before starting ScriptBasic
Although Windows NT programs are usually configured using the registry or active directory services ScriptBasic uses a text file to ease and maintain compatibility with UNIX versions.
To ease the compatibility even more the file names are allowed to use the UNIX style forward slash / as directory separator character.
When the program starts one of its first action is to search the configuration file. The search for the configuration file is different on Windows NT and under UNIX operating system.