3.2. Single Stepping

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After you have started the program the most frequent thing you will do is single-step. Single step means executing one line of the BASIC program at a time. To do this press s and ENTER. Because this is the command you will issue most frequently it is enough just to press ENTER.

Now what you see is (also recalling the lines that were already presented in the previous section):

ScriptBasic debugger, executing
For help type 'h'

----------------------------------------------------- >001. print "hello\n" 002. a = 3 003. 004. sub MyFunction(t) 005. local a,b,c

----------------------------------------------------- #s hello

----------------------------------------------------- 001. print "hello\n" >002. a = 3 003. 004. sub MyFunction(t) 005. local a,b,c

----------------------------------------------------- #_

You can see that the program has written to the console hello that actually came from the BASIC program and a new listing. Notice that the actual line now is the second line and the character > points this line.

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