3.4. Stepping over Function or Subroutine

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Up to now we used the command s to advance the execution of the program. But there is a similar command S. Step ahead one step until you get to the function call calling MyFunction.


----------------------------------------------------- 012. end sub 013. >014. MyFunction a 015. 016. a = a + 2

----------------------------------------------------- #_

Now if you issue the debugger command s then you get into the function and you can debug the function itself. But for now assume that you are quite confident with the function fully debugged and you want to treat the function call if it was a single instruction. Issue the command S!

5 34 23 1 * * *
  014. MyFunction a
 >016. a = a + 2
  018. MyFunction a

----------------------------------------------------- #_

You can see the printouts that were recursively generated by the function.

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