3.7. Walking Along the Stack

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Examine the variable a again.

#R 11
 34 23 1 * *
  009. print " ",t
  010. if t > 1 then MyFunction t-1
 >011. print " *"
  012. end sub

----------------------------------------------------- #? a undef #_

This is undef because now we examine the local variable. Issue the command u and examine the variable again.


Issuing the command u we stepped one level up in the call stack. At that point the variable a is global and has value. That is actually a different variable that happens to have the same name.

Issue the command l to see where we are.


----------------------------------------------------- 012. end sub 013. >014. MyFunction a 015. 016. a = a + 2

----------------------------------------------------- #

To get one level deeper in the stack issue the command d.


----------------------------------------------------- 009. print " ",t 010. if t > 1 then MyFunction t-1 >011. print " *" 012. end sub 013.

----------------------------------------------------- #_

If you stepped several levels up in the stack you should issue that many commands d or just one D to go to the bottom of the stack.

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