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This function created a normalized name space name from a non normalized. This is a simple string operation.

Think of name space as directories and variables as files. A simple variable name is in the current name space. If there is a 'path' before the variable or function name the path has to be used. This path can either be relative or absolute.

File system:

../ is used to denote the parent directory in file systems.

Name space:

_:: is used to denote the parent name space.

File system:

mydir/../yourdir is the same as yourdir

Name space:

myns::_::yourns is the same as yourns

This function removes the unneccesary downs and ups from the name space and creates the result in the same buffer as the original. This can always be done as the result is always shorter. (Well, not longer.)

void ex_CleanNamePath(char *s

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