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This function loads the binary code from an opened file.
- pBuild is the build object
- szFileName is the name of the file that is opened. Needed for reporting purposes.
- fp opened FILE * file pointer opened for binary reading (aka "rb"), and positioned where the
BASIC code starts.
- lEOFfset should be the position of the last byte that belongs to the BASIC code so that ftell(fp)>lEOFfset
is treated as EOF condition. If this value is zero that means that the BASIC code is contained in the file until the
physical end of file.
void build_LoadCore(pBuildObject pBuild,
char *szFileName,
FILE *fp,
long lEOFfset
Note that the program does not return error code, but calls the reporting function to report error. The file fp is not closed in the
function even if error has happened during reading.
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