
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* name: test_regex.c
00002    purpose: Simple regex test harness. Also serves
00003     as a main console mode project into which a
00004         DLL subproject may be inserted when using the
00005         Microsoft Developer Studio VC++ compiler.
00006    usage: test_regex [optional-input-file]
00007    http://people.delphi.com/gjc/winregex.html
00008    Author: George J. Carrette, March 1997.
00009    Copyright 1997 by George J. Carrette.
00010    */
00012 #include <stdio.h>
00013 #include <stdlib.h>
00014 #include <string.h>
00015 #include <time.h>
00016 #include "regex.h"
00018 static FILE *infile = NULL;
00020 static int prompt(char *prompt,char *data,size_t len,char *help)
00021 {char *p;
00022  while(1) 
00023  {if (!infile) printf("%s: ",prompt);
00024   if (!fgets(data,len,(infile) ? infile : stdin)) return(0);
00025   if ((p = strchr(data,'\n'))) *p = 0;
00026   if ((*data == 0) || (*data == '#')) continue;
00027   if (infile) printf("%s: %s\n",prompt,data);
00028   if (strcmp(data,"quit") == 0) return(0);
00029   if (strcmp(data,"?") == 0)
00030    printf("%s\n",help);
00031   else
00032    return(1);}}
00034 static double myclock(void)
00035 {return(((double)clock()) / ((double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC));}
00037 int main(int argc,char **argv)
00038 {char pattern[128],line[128],errbuff[128];
00039  int error,n,j,k,nloop,acc_loop = 0;
00040  double before_t,after_t,diff_t,acc_t = 0;
00041  regex_t *r; regmatch_t *m;
00042  printf("Copyright 1997 by George J. Carrette.\n");
00043  printf("Regex test driver. For more info see:\n");
00044  printf("http://people.delphi.com/gjc/winregex.html\n");
00045  if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0]))
00046   {if (!(infile = fopen(argv[1],"r")))
00047     {perror(argv[1]);
00048      return(1);}}
00049  r = (regex_t *) malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
00050  if (prompt("nloop",pattern,sizeof(pattern),"default 1"))
00051   nloop = atol(pattern);
00052  if (nloop <= 0) nloop = 1;
00053  while(prompt("Pattern",pattern,sizeof(pattern),
00054                   "quit, or try ^([0-9]+)(\\-| |$)(.*)$"))
00055  {memset(r,0,sizeof(regex_t));
00056   if ((error = regcomp(r,pattern,REG_EXTENDED)))
00057    {regerror(error,r,errbuff,sizeof(errbuff));
00058     printf("regcomp: %s\n",errbuff);}
00059   else
00060    {printf("Compiled with %d nsub\n",r->re_nsub);
00061     n = r->re_nsub + 1;
00062     m = (regmatch_t *) malloc(sizeof(regmatch_t) * n);
00063         while(prompt("Data",line,sizeof(line),pattern))
00064         {before_t = myclock();
00065          for(k=0;k<nloop;++k) error = regexec(r,line,n,m,0);
00066          after_t = myclock();
00067          diff_t = after_t - before_t;
00068          acc_loop += nloop;
00069          acc_t += diff_t;
00070          printf("%d loops, %.3f seconds, %.1f micro-seconds per loop\n",
00071                     nloop,diff_t,
00072                         diff_t * 1000000 / nloop);
00073      if (error)
00074            {regerror(error,r,errbuff,sizeof(errbuff));
00075             printf("regexec: %s\n",errbuff);}
00076          else
00077       for(j=0;j<n;++j)
00078            printf("%d[%d,%d] = %.*s\n",
00079                       j,m[j].rm_so,m[j].rm_eo,
00080                           (m[j].rm_so >= 0)
00081                           ? (m[j].rm_eo - m[j].rm_so) : 0,
00082                           (m[j].rm_so >= 0)
00083                           ? &line[m[j].rm_so] : "");}
00084     free(m);
00085     regfree(r);}}
00086  free(r);
00087  if (infile) fclose(infile);
00088  if (acc_loop)
00089   printf("%d total loops. %.1f seconds, %.1f micro-seconds per loop\n",
00090              acc_loop,acc_t, acc_t * 100000 / acc_loop);
00091  return(0);}

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