6.23. SetFont

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gd::SetFont Image,Type[,direction,[ptsize]]

Use this subroutine to set the font to be used for subsequent gd::print subroutine calls. The argument Type can be integer between 1 to 5 or a string. The integer values 1 to 5 indicate the built-in fonts, FontTiny, FontSmall, FontMedium, FontLarge, FontGiant. For these values you have these symbolic constants in the file gd.bas defined.

If the font type is string it has to specify the full path to the True Type Font to be used.

The direction is the angle of the subsequent prints. For built-in fonts it can only be 0 for normal or 270 for upward printing. The last parameter specifies the size of the True Type Font in points as a real number.

WARNING: Note that the True Type Font handling was developed but was never tested. You can set the font to be True Type, but the next gd::print subroutine will fail raising error.

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