Power operator (^) Multiplication operator (*) Division operator (/) Integer division operator (\) Modulus operator (%) Addition and subtraction operators (+, -) Bit-wise and logical NOT (NOT) Equality operator (=) Not equal operator (<>) Compare operators (<, <=, >, >=) Logical operators (and, or, xor) Concatenation operator (&) ByVal operator LIKE operator Extension operators Planned, Future Operators
To calculate values you will need expressions. The simplest expression is the one that contains only a constant number or string of the format described in the previous sections. A bit more complex expression contains variables, array elements, operators, function calls, and even parentheses.
ScriptBasic expression format is much the same as that of many other basic languages. The operators have precedence of the usual order, and you can alter the order of operator evaluation using parentheses. The operators are in order of precedence from the highest to the lowest:
- ^ Power operator. a^b means a to the power b.
- * Multiplication operator. This operator multiplies the operands.
- / Division operator. This operator divides the left operand by the right operand and the result is usually a real number.
- \ Integer division operator. This operator divides the left operand by the right operand and the result is an integer.
- % Modulus operator. This operator divides the left operand by the right operand and the result is the remainder after the division.
- + Plus operator. This operator adds the operands and the result is the sum of the two operands.
- - Minus operator. This operator subtracts the right operand from the left operand and the result is the signed difference of the two operands.
- = Equality check operator. This operator checks if the operators are equal and results true if they are equal. Otherwise the result is false.
- < Less than check operator. This operator checks if the first operand is less than the second operand and results true if yes. Otherwise it results false.
- <= Less than or equal check operator. This operator checks if the first operand is less than the second operand or is equal to the second operator and results true if yes. Otherwise the result is false.
- >Greater than check operator. This operator checks that the first operand is greater than the second one and it results true of yes. Otherwise it results false.
- >= Greater than or equal check operator. This operator checks that the first operand is greater than the second operand or is equal to the second operand
- <> Not equal check operator. This operator checks that the operands are NOT equal and it results true if they are not equal. Otherwise it results false.
- And Logical and bit-wise AND operator. This operator calculates the logical and the bit-wise AND operation of the operands.
- Or Logical and bit-wise OR operator. This operator calculates the logical and the bit-wise OR operation of the operands.
- Xor Logical and bit-wise exclusive OR operator. This operator calculates the logical and the bit-wise exclusive OR operation of the operands.
- & String concatenation operator. This operator concatenates the operands as strings.
- LIKE Pattern matching operator.
These binary operators are evaluated from left to right. This means that 6-3+3 is 6 and not zero. This should be usual and obvious. 3 is subtracted from 6 and the last 3 is added to the result of the subtraction.
Operand types are not determined during compilation. There are no integer, real or string variables in ScriptBasic, any variable can hold any value (but only one at a time). Whenever a numeric operator gets a string value it converts the value automatically to numeric. The concatenation operator automatically converts the numeric operands to string.
Operators that work with both numeric and string operands do not convert the operands.
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