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General Discussions / Re: Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Support on May 02, 2017, 09:27:28 PM »
Are you using the latest Inno based Windows install curl module?

Out of memory is a catch all error in extension modules as the developers didn't take the time to describe the actual error properly.  I'm slowly rewriting the distributed extension modules in C BASIC for readability, updating libraries and cleanup. Most all of the extension modules I've done are in C BASIC.

General Discussions / Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Script_test on May 02, 2017, 10:25:09 AM »
Hi, I have random problems with the curl library under windows, the last one (out of memory).
As I see in the comments, under linux everything seems to work fine. I have no experience in configuring linux.
You could share (download)a virtual machine with everything configured to be able Working and tests with scriptbasic. ?
Thank you very much.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on April 24, 2017, 11:54:13 AM »
I'm glad Script BASIC found a home in your toolbox of languages.

Keep us in the loop as your projects unfold.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on April 24, 2017, 09:18:39 AM »
I have been having fun ever since I first installed Script Basic (much more fun than VB6)

At the moment, most of my fun is involved with academic and outdoor pursuits rather than advancing any of my computer-related projects - indeed, the only programming I have done in 3 months is a couple of Windows Scripting Engine scripts and a change to one of my VB6 data-crunchers in order to fix a broken RTF file output routine (and even that was all trivial in nature).
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on April 21, 2017, 08:43:15 PM »
How are things going in general with Script BASIC? Are you having fun yet?  :)
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on April 19, 2017, 11:00:38 AM »
Brilliant, thanks.

Not that I'm actually using them at the moment.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on March 02, 2017, 08:22:22 PM »
Hopefully others will give Script BASIC a try and share their experience. You can lead a horse to water ...

What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on March 01, 2017, 03:27:38 PM »
Most of what I do tends to be hardware and/or user constrained, so there is little advantage to compiling for me. My programs spent an inordinate amount of time waiting for disc accesses to complete.

The only heavyweight thunking I do is a program to calculate specific activity and dose from a chemical formula, but I do that in a mixture of batch and compiled VB6 - and a list of 1800 minerals takes less than 15 seconds to handle and output to CSV and rich text document files - so it probably wouldn't take much more using SB.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on March 01, 2017, 12:34:05 PM »
And yet SB is the only one of the lot that does what I want it to do in both a straightforward AND a timely manner.

There has been few if any projects I have done that required using a compiler rather than an interpreter. If I have a CPU intensive function, I just write a C extension module and use it seamlessly with SB.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on March 01, 2017, 02:53:00 AM »
And yet SB is the only one of the lot that does what I want it to do in both a straightforward AND a timely manner.

Sadly, programming is something where the majority of people follow the trend of "what's bright, shiny and new" ... and older programming hacks like myself want to use a tool that does what is needed without a massive learning curve.

I installed Eclipse, a while back, and had to take it out - given that it took 20 minutes to load, and was unusably sluggish once loaded (and *that* is what people are using?). SB's lean profile is just the ticket.

Of course, knowing the way these things go, I'm just the only gobby one - the rest sit and nod while mumbling "yeah, yeah, yeah".  ;D

I do admit, though, that once my current systems give up the ghost, I'm more than likely to move to Linux - I just don't like the way Windows is headed.
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