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What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - IUP Threading
« Last post by Support on February 17, 2017, 11:12:52 PM »
I was able to use SBT and run multiple IUP GUI threads.
Code: Script BASIC
  4. sb1 = SB_ThreadStart("",undef,"C:/Windows/SCRIBA.INI")
  5. SB_msSleep(2500)
  6. sb2 = SB_ThreadStart("",undef,"C:/Windows/SCRIBA.INI")
  8. LINE INPUT wait
  10. Iup::Close()
  12. SB_Destroy(sb1)
  13. SB_Destroy(sb2)

Code: Script BASIC
  1. ' IUP Button / Event Example
  5. SUB Btn1_clicked
  6.   PRINT "Thread 1 - Button 1\n"
  7. END SUB
  9. SUB Btn2_clicked
  10.   PRINT "Thread 1 - Button 2\n"
  11. END SUB
  13. SUB Btn3_clicked
  14.   PRINT "Thread 1 - Button 3\n"
  15. END SUB
  17. SUB Win_exit
  18.   Iup::ExitLoop = TRUE
  19. END SUB
  21. Iup::Open()
  22. win = Iup::Create("dialog")
  23. Iup::SetAttributes(win, "TITLE=\"IUP Thread 1\", SIZE=300x")
  24. horzbox = Iup::Create("hbox")
  25. Iup::SetAttributes(horzbox, "GAP=5")
  26. btn1 = Iup::Create("button")
  27. Iup::SetAttributes(btn1, "TITLE=Button1, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  28. btn2 = Iup::Create("button")
  29. Iup::SetAttributes(btn2, "TITLE=Button2, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  30. btn3 = Iup::Create("button")
  31. Iup::SetAttributes(btn3, "TITLE=Button3, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  32. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn1)
  33. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn2)
  34. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn3)
  35. Iup::Append(win, horzbox)
  36. Iup::SetCallback(win,"CLOSE_CB",ADDRESS(Win_exit()))
  37. Iup::SetCallback(btn1,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn1_clicked()))
  38. Iup::SetCallback(btn2,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn2_clicked()))
  39. Iup::SetCallback(btn3,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn3_clicked()))
  40. Iup::Show(win)
  41. Iup::MainLoop()

Code: Script BASIC
  1. ' IUP Button / Event Example
  5. SUB Btn1_clicked
  6.   PRINT "Thread 2 - Button 1\n"
  7. END SUB
  9. SUB Btn2_clicked
  10.   PRINT "Thread 2 - Button 2\n"
  11. END SUB
  13. SUB Btn3_clicked
  14.   PRINT "Thread 2 - Button 3\n"
  15. END SUB
  17. SUB Win_exit
  18.   Iup::ExitLoop = TRUE
  19. END SUB
  21. Iup::Open()
  22. win = Iup::Create("dialog")
  23. Iup::SetAttributes(win, "TITLE=\"IUP Thread 2\", SIZE=300x")
  24. horzbox = Iup::Create("hbox")
  25. Iup::SetAttributes(horzbox, "GAP=5")
  26. btn1 = Iup::Create("button")
  27. Iup::SetAttributes(btn1, "TITLE=Button1, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  28. btn2 = Iup::Create("button")
  29. Iup::SetAttributes(btn2, "TITLE=Button2, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  30. btn3 = Iup::Create("button")
  31. Iup::SetAttributes(btn3, "TITLE=Button3, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
  32. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn1)
  33. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn2)
  34. Iup::Append(horzbox, btn3)
  35. Iup::Append(win, horzbox)
  36. Iup::SetCallback(win,"CLOSE_CB",ADDRESS(Win_exit()))
  37. Iup::SetCallback(btn1,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn1_clicked()))
  38. Iup::SetCallback(btn2,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn2_clicked()))
  39. Iup::SetCallback(btn3,"ACTION",ADDRESS(Btn3_clicked()))
  40. Iup::Show(win)
  41. Iup::MainLoop()

What's New / Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on February 14, 2017, 02:57:04 PM »
I have finally assembled an Inno install for Script BASIC for Windows 32 bit with extension modules and their dependencies included. This is my first public release in this format and would appreciate any feedback you're willing to offer to make Script BASIC even better for everyone.

If you plan on using the MySQL extension module or use the SBHTTPD proxy web server, I highly recommend installing the 32 bit version of the XAMPP package (and any of the other free packages they offer) for your local  database and Apache web server environment.

Script BASIC Examples and Source

Note: Download is currently being rebuilt to add new features. Check Back Again Soon.
Download / Re: ScriptBasic 2.1 Linux
« Last post by Support on February 13, 2017, 01:51:22 PM »
Thanks Peter!

Greetings, I made an AUR package for the Arch linux users,

I'm assuming this is a 64 bit Arch Linux distribution?

I will be posting soon a Script BASIC for Windows 32 bit Inno setup file for testing and feedback.
Download / Re: ScriptBasic 2.1 Linux
« Last post by delmadord on February 13, 2017, 01:29:30 PM »
Greetings, I made an AUR package for the Arch linux users, in case someone is interested. Hope someone would be able to provide some feedback :)
General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by Support on February 12, 2017, 07:11:05 PM »
Have you looked at the HASH extension module as a basis for your ISAM index engine?

The module uses the same hash algorithm as the ScriptBasic symbol table handling routine. This is routine comes from the page 436 of the dragon book.

The dragon book:
Aho-Sethi-Ulman : Compilers
     Principles, techniques, and Tools
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1986

General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by AlyssonR on December 19, 2016, 12:22:17 PM »
I couldn't agree more concerning Oracle.  ::)

Somewhere, I have a standalone copy of MyISAM, but it's for 16-bit systems and is thus Not A Lot of Use™ A bit like the 8-bit Viewdata system I sill have somewhere in the archive (probably the same place as Windows 1.1 and Word 1.0 )
General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by Support on December 19, 2016, 11:53:56 AM »
Sometimes you need to reassure yourself that you didn't make a bad decision. (BerkleyBD & PostgreSQL ext. modules)

Everything Oracle touches turns to crap. About the only thing I still use Oracle related is VirtualBox.

General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by AlyssonR on December 19, 2016, 11:17:14 AM »
OUCH! :o

That wasn't even a consideration when I was making the decision to roll my own.

At least with my approach, it will be guaranteed operable with SB as a local file process rather than depending upon an external service.

Thanks for trying, though - it IS appreciated.
General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by Support on December 19, 2016, 09:44:49 AM »
I was hoping to get the BerkleyDB extension module running again but with it returning to a console prompt with a bdb::Open() call with no error or reason makes me think my decision to drop it was a good one. Same with PostgreSQL.
General Discussions / Re: ISAM - An appeal
« Last post by AlyssonR on December 19, 2016, 05:28:51 AM »
Interesting. I may end up using BerkleyDB as a fallback position.

I have managed to get about 75% of the ISAM specification put together. Most of the logic is fairly simple and I will probably have an alpha of the basic functionality put together by the end of January. Having had a bit of a play already, it will probably go together in under 3000 lines of code without the added bells and whistles, or the toolset.

The use of scopeing, flexible arrays and those nifty break to array functions make the whole thing pretty simple compared with the stuff of the early 80's.

I may take a look at the BerkleyDB source, but I really am running shy of using that approach now.

I'll get back with progress and development documentation once things are settled (in between writing a couple of papers for publication. Sheesh!)
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