Author Topic: tasks I wish to automate  (Read 10250 times)


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tasks I wish to automate
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:20:09 AM »
Since the documentation, in terms of development guide and user guide, is in the process of being written, it is difficult to understand what is possible and what is not.
My only choice is to ask questions.
To be able to get my translation framework in part automated, I want to create lists, which will be used as a forerunner of a dictionary to do the automation.
1. The first list is a list of all words with their parts-of-speech tags.
2. The second list is a list of all standard transformations needed to convert English expression formats into German.
3. The third is list of words in English sentences in a file in the original sequence.
4. The fourth list is created from Lists 1, 2 and 3, to create a word order sequence of the same sentences in the file to meet German grammar needs.
5. A word for word translation of the sentences in the file.
Are there any users with scripts I might have to understand how to create my own?
What I mean are scripts which do the tasks listed above.
I look forward to any ideas and any help.
Regards, patforkin.


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Re: tasks I wish to automate
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2011, 01:25:09 AM »
I would build a proof of concept using a mix of associative and numeric array elements. You can create complex structures that should get you where you're going. If you could post a small example of how you want your data organized, I may be able to offer a suggestion as to the best way to proceed.


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Re: tasks I wish to automate
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2011, 01:32:00 AM »
Hallo RonB!
If you use any on-line translation capability in earnest you would not and could not claim that they are of value.
Google is doing not only itself but internet usage a favour if they shut down.
I am publishing the framework as an eBook this month.
Shortly therafter I will publish another framework on how to write correct English sentences.
The steps I operate in each framework are in no libraries I have looked at in programming languages.
My reason for that is, that people who develop languages have little idea of the tasks people perform and need to automate.
Language development is a haphazard process following the first "Hello World" program.
I will write a post which describes how I operate a framework and look for someone who can advise me on how to use ScriptBasic to program it.
Regards, patforkin.


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Re: tasks I wish to automate
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2011, 01:44:44 AM »
Hallo RonB!
I have just re-read the following copied from one of your posts:
 would build a proof of concept using a mix of associative and numeric array elements. You can create complex structures that should get you where you're going. If you could post a small example of how you want your data organized, I may be able to offer a suggestion as to the best way to proceed.
Posted on: August 12, 2011

I will during the course of today make a post using a sentence example. This does the following.
1. Separates a sentence into its sentence parts.
2. Marks the parts with role tags for translation.
3. Shows a simple transformation of an expression used in the sentence.
4. Re-sequences to meet German grammar needs.
5. Translates.
Neither Google nor any other on-line translations does that or knows how to do it.
If I did what I have said above could I send it to you priavtely?
Would you be interested?
Regards, patforkin.


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Re: tasks I wish to automate
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 02:28:04 AM »
I'm still holding out for the language translator that was used in the Last Star Fighter movie.  ;D


Code: [Select]
hello{"type"} = "noun"
hello{"German"} = "Hallo!"
hello{"Polish"} = "halo"
hello{"Hungarian"} = "helló!"

Associative array framework idea.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 03:02:47 AM by support »