Author Topic: dbgcon - Script BASIC remote debugger  (Read 18051 times)


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dbgcon - Script BASIC remote debugger
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:47:55 PM »
A few years ago I made some bug fixes to Peter's Verhas's experimental sdbg remote Script BASIC debugger. I wrote my own console client in SB which works great. I plan on using some of Dave Zimmer's enhancements to his VB/COM IDE/Debugger preprocessor project to view array contents and trace the call stack. The remote socket based Script BASIC debugger works with both local desktop scripts and remote sbhttpd proxy server web applications.
Code: Script BASIC
  1. ' ScriptBasic Remote Console Debugger
  3. cmdln = TRIM(COMMAND())
  4. IF cmdln = "" THEN
  5.   PRINT "Usage: dbgcon [prog2debug]\n"
  6.   END
  7. END IF
  8. exitcode = EXECUTE("/usr/bin/scriba -i sdbg " & cmdln,-1,PID)
  10. WHILE NOT EOF(1)
  11.   LINE INPUT #1, dbgs
  12.   IF dbgs = ".\n" THEN
  13.     PRINT "-> "
  14.     LINE INPUT dbgc
  15.     IF LCASE(CHOMP(dbgc)) = "h" THEN
  16. PRINT """h help
  17. s step one line
  18. S step one line, do not step into functions or subs
  19. o step until getting out of the current function
  20.  (if you stepped into but changed your mind)
  21. ? var  print the value of a variable
  22. u step one level up in the stack
  23. d step one level down in the stack (for variable printing)
  24. D step down in the stack to current execution depth
  25. G list all global variables
  26. L list all local variables
  27. l [n-m] list the source lines
  28. r [n] run to line n
  29. R [n] run to line n but do not stop in recursive function call
  30. b [n] set breakpoint on the line n or the current line
  31. B [n-m] remove breakpoints from lines
  32. q quit the program
  33. """
  34.     END IF
  35.     PRINT #1, dbgc
  36.     IF CHOMP(dbgc) = "q" THEN GOTO Done
  37.   ELSE
  38.     dbgcmd = CHOMP(dbgs)
  39. ' l - List Source  
  40.    IF INSTR(dbgcmd,"Break-Point: ")<>undef THEN
  41.       p = INSTR(dbgcmd,"Break-Point: ")
  42.       IF MID(dbgcmd,p+13,1) = "0" THEN
  43.         PRINT " "
  44.       ELSE
  45.         PRINT "*"
  46.       END IF
  47.       GOTO IT
  48.     END IF
  49.     IF INSTR(dbgcmd,"Line-Number: ")<>undef THEN
  50.       p = INSTR(dbgcmd,"Line-Number: ")
  51.       PRINT FORMAT("%~[0000] ~",VAL(MID(dbgcmd,p+13)))
  52.       online = TRUE
  53.       GOTO IT
  54.     END IF
  55.     IF INSTR(dbgcmd,"Line: ")<>undef THEN
  56.       p = INSTR(dbgcmd,"Line: ")
  57.       IF online THEN
  58.         PRINT MID(dbgcmd,p+6),"\n"
  59.       ELSE
  60.         PRINT MID(dbgcmd,p),"\n"
  61.       END IF        
  62.       online = FALSE
  63.       GOTO IT
  64.     END IF
  65.     IF INSTR(dbgcmd,"Global-Variable")<>undef THEN
  66.       p = INSTR(dbgcmd,"Global-Variable")
  67.       PRINT "G-Var" & MID(dbgcmd,p+15) & "\n"
  68.       GOTO IT
  69.     END IF
  70. ' Unprocessed out
  71.   PRINT dbgs
  72.   END IF
  73. IT:
  74. WEND
  76. Done:
  77. PRINT #1,"q"
  78. CLOSE(1)
  79. PRINT "Debug session closed.\n"
  80. END
Code: Script BASIC
  1. ' Long / Double / String
  2. i = 1
  3. d = .99
  4. s = "JRS"
  5. ' Indices array
  6. a[0,0] = 0
  7. a[0,1] = 123
  8. a[0,2] = 1.23
  9. a[0,3] = "One,Two,Three"
  10. a[1,10] = "Zero"
  11. a[1,11] = 321
  12. a[1,12] = 32.1
  13. a[1,13] = "Three,Two,One"
  14. ' Asscociative array
  15. b{"One"} = 1
  16. b{"Two"} = .2
  17. b{"Three"} = "*3*"
  18. ' Mix asscociative & indices array
  19. c{"JRS"}[1] = 1
  20. c{"JRS"}[2] = .2
  21. c{"JRS"}[3] = "*3*"
  22. PRINT "Done\n"


jrs@laptop:~/sb/sb22/sbt$ scriba
Application: ScriptBasic Remote Debugger - Linux
Version: 1.0
Source-File-Count: 1
Line: 2
-> b15
Message: done
Line: 2
-> l1-
 [0001] ' Long / Double / String
 [0002] i = 1
 [0003] d = .99
 [0004] s = "JRS"
 [0005] ' Indices array
 [0006] a[0,0] = 0
 [0007] a[0,1] = 123
 [0008] a[0,2] = 1.23
 [0009] a[0,3] = "One,Two,Three"
 [0010] a[1,10] = "Zero"
 [0011] a[1,11] = 321
 [0012] a[1,12] = 32.1
 [0013] a[1,13] = "Three,Two,One"
 [0014] ' Asscociative array
*[0015] b{"One"} = 1
 [0016] b{"Two"} = .2
 [0017] b{"Three"} = "*3*"
 [0018] ' Mix asscociative & indices array
 [0019] c{"JRS"}[1] = 1
 [0020] c{"JRS"}[2] = .2
 [0021] c{"JRS"}[3] = "*3*"
 [0022] PRINT "Done\n"
Line: 2
-> r
Line: 15
-> r22
Line: 22
-> G
G-Var-Name: VT=0 @ 0x014BBD18 VN=main::i
G-Var-Value: 1
G-Var-Name: VT=1 @ 0x014C9258 VN=main::d
G-Var-Value: 0.990000
G-Var-Name: VT=2 @ 0x014C92B8 VN=main::s
G-Var-Value: "JRS"
G-Var-Name: VT=3 @ 0x014C9378 LB=0 : UB=1 VN=main::a
LB=0 : UB=3 VN=[0]
[0] VT=3 @ 0x014C9468 
[0] VT=0 @ 0x014C9558 0
[1] VT=0 @ 0x014C96D8 123
[2] VT=1 @ 0x014C9898 1.230000
[3] VT=2 @ 0x014BC0A8 "One,Two,Three"
LB=10 : UB=13 VN=[1]
[1] VT=3 @ 0x014BC1C8 
[10] VT=2 @ 0x014BC228 "Zero"
[11] VT=0 @ 0x014BC3A8 321
[12] VT=1 @ 0x014BC568 32.100000
[13] VT=2 @ 0x014BC6D8 "Three,Two,One"
G-Var-Name: VT=3 @ 0x014BC798 LB=0 : UB=5 VN=main::b
[0] VT=2 @ 0x014BC7F8 "One"
[1] VT=0 @ 0x014BC8B8 1
[2] VT=2 @ 0x014BC968 "Two"
[3] VT=1 @ 0x014BCA28 0.200000
[4] VT=2 @ 0x014BCAE8 "Three"
[5] VT=2 @ 0x014BCB48 "*3*"
G-Var-Name: VT=3 @ 0x014BCBA8 LB=0 : UB=1 VN=main::c
[0] VT=2 @ 0x014BCC08 "JRS"
LB=1 : UB=3 VN=[1]
[1] VT=3 @ 0x014BCCC8 
[1] VT=0 @ 0x014BCD88 1
[2] VT=1 @ 0x014BCEA8 0.200000
[3] VT=2 @ 0x014BD5C8 "*3*"
Line: 22
-> ?s
Value: "JRS"
Line: 22
-> ?b
[0] VT=2 @ 0x014BC7F8 "One"
[1] VT=0 @ 0x014BC8B8 1
[2] VT=2 @ 0x014BC968 "Two"
[3] VT=1 @ 0x014BCA28 0.200000
[4] VT=2 @ 0x014BCAE8 "Three"
[5] VT=2 @ 0x014BCB48 "*3*"
Line: 22
-> r
Debug session closed.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 11:43:16 AM by support »